The $500 Mary Pryor Childcare Grant
Sponsored by: D. Moten, IL
The cost of child care is often the largest expense of your budget and a higher cost than food, housing, transportation and other living expenses.
This grant provides reimbursable financial assistance for student mothers with child care expenses.
Eligibility Requirements
This grant is focused on providing financial assistance to single parent students that have childcare expenses related to the daily care and supervision of their child(ren).
Single mothers can apply for and be awarded funds to use toward eligible childcare expenses incurred from August 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. Funds can cover infant and toddler child care, pre-school/pre-K programs, care on school holidays, school-age summer day camps/programs, and school-age before/after school care. This benefit is a reimbursement program to you or your provider(s) of care. Itemized receipts for childcare expenses must be submitted electronically for reimbursement for your award funds. Eligible child care reimbursements are limited and based upon availability of funds.
A single mother
Be a U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident
Employed at least part-time,
Enrolled at a two-year, four-year, vocational, or technical school
Your child(ren)
is a legal dependent who you claim on your income tax return, and
is between the ages of 8 weeks through 12 years old or is an older child with a disability requiring care.